#NEWS | Europe for Creators?


The EU is currently finalising a new copyright regime fir for the digital age which, if passed, will also become law in the UK. A final text has now been agreed after years of debate within the EU but still needs to go to a final vote next week by the EU parliament to become law.

The lobbying against it by some big tech platforms and anti-copyright activists continues, with new claims that Article 13, which aims at fixing the “value gap”, will damage the music sector. In reality, the new rules will introduce balance between all player in the system - from the smallest artist to citizen who upload, to all platforms (the future should not just be about YouTube).

The directive has a number provision for authors and performers on transparency, contract adjustment, fair remuneration and a revocation right. Article 13 is needed to make these meaningful!

It also contains a number of safeguards, including provisions to assist start-ups and small platforms, protections for current copyright exceptions such as parody and quotation, and wording which encourages co-operation between music and the online world in developing the text into national law. The text still needs to be voted on by the whole European Parliament this month to become law so we’re not safe yet!

Please support by doing the follow NOW:

  • Follow and re-tweet AIM, IMPALA and UK Music on social media (@AIM_UK, @IMPALAMusic@EUforCreators, and @UK_Music on Twitter and @aim.music@IMPALAindie, and @uk-music on Facebook) 

  • Post your own and your artists’ messages on social media (feel free to adapt) - with videos and photos: 

    Here are some example messages:

    • Hello, I am [NAME]. I need platforms to give me a say. I ask all European parliamentarians to vote #Yes2copyright #EuropeForCreators

    • Hello, I am [NAME]. Please vote for culture and creators getting paid. Support European creators. #EuropeForCreators #Yes2copyright

    • Dear European parliament, I am [NAME]. As a European artist I count on you to vote #Yes2copyright This is also about the great artists we haven't heard of yet. #EuropeForCreators

    Post photos holding up a sign with #Yes2copyright or videos speaking out in favour of the reforms.
    Link to the Europe for Creators / Article13 website and/or the #LoveMusic website.
    Use the hashtags #Yes2copyright, #EuropeforCreators and #LoveMusic.
    Tag your local MEP (list of handles available for download here)

  • Talk to artists you work with (or if you are an artist yourself!) - ask them to join the campaign as they have most to gain from a fairer world online and the end of the value gap.


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